Google's Ngram Viewer allows students to search keywords in millions of books and find trends over time. The Ngram Viewer has advanced options, such as searching for particular keywords as specific parts of speech or combining keywords. Just in case they ever wondered how popular detectives were in Victorian times, now they can. In the example below, a search for democracy yields results from the 1700's to almost present day. For examples of how this is used in classroom setting read this quick blog post about the cultural evolution of words: NGram Viewer and five million books reveal hidden evolution of words.
A Reggio-inspired tinker box is a learning tool inspired by the Reggio Emilia approach to education. This approach emphasizes the importance of hands-on, experiential learning and encourages children to explore, tinker, and discover for themselves. A Reggio-inspired tinker box is filled with various materials and tools that children can use to explore and create. The box's contents might include craft supplies, beads, buttons, scissors, paper, tape, and more. The purpose of the tinker box is to allow children to use their creativity and problem-solving skills to create and explore on their own. It is a way to encourage open-ended, imaginative play and promote learning through hands-on exploration and discovery. In addition, some Tinker boxes are tech-enhanced or STEM educational kits that contain materials and instructions for children to engage in hands-on, creative problem-solving activities. They are designed to encourage children to explore and experiment with different materia...
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